To enrol your child with us, you start by giving a call to us at……………. And arrange a centre tour. A centre tour will help you feel the environment your child is going to be in and develop that first level of trusting relationship. Once you have completed your tour, we will then provide you with the information regarding everything you need to know about the centre, the learning programs and your child’s daily routine. We will also provide you with a quote for daily fees and any further information you need. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. We want you to be comfortable and happy that you’ve made the right decision for your child and your family.
If there are no vacancies at the centre (since Montessori centres are always in great demand), you are welcome to join our centre’s waiting list, or book a seat with us for the coming session or against a cancellation. We regularly review these lists and we will contact you if a place becomes available.
Child’s first transition from home is full of emotions. And we are there to support not only the child but parents as well for this transition. Every child will have at least two orientations prior to starting at MM so they know the educators and the environment. The orientations will be planned at different times so that you feel how the centre operates. You will have a conference with the centre director to discuss the expectations, the programs, practices and daily routines. The orientations are also an opportunity for the child and you to meet and greet other children, educators, and a glance at the Montessori environment. The aim is also to make the child familiar with the physical environment and start building the relationships outside his home.
Safety and Well Being : Our Priority
We understand that you are handing over the most precious part of your life to us and we are ready to take care of him/her to them like our own. All the areas of MM have been created and developed keeping in mind the child’s safety. We comply with the QUALITY AREA 2 of NQF concerning safety of children and excel on other parameters of safety and hygiene. Our centre has its safety policy in place that can be accessed by the parents in the centre. In case of an injury/ incident, a detailed report is given to the parent after administering first aid to the child. All the educators are certified for first aid, anaphylaxis, CPR and have a working with children’s check.
Child Protection
MM is committed to the protection and physical, social, emotional and intellectual safety and wellbeing of your child. If we suspect that a child is at risk of harm, or has sustained actual harm, we will notify the relevant child protection authority, in accordance with state legislation and organisational protocols. All of our educators have appropriate working with children certifications and mandatory child protection certificates.
Sun Safety
Being with nature, playing and learning outdoors is an inherent part of the curriculum. We make children aware about the sun safety and educators always ensure that children are suitably protected from sun damage. All the children are encouraged to wear sun hats and use sun screen when going out. We encourage all parents to use protective clothing covering child’s skin as much as possible. Wide brimmed or bucket hats are suitable as compared to caps. We provide sunscreens but if the child is allergic or has a preferred brand, we would request to provide the sunscreen.
Parents are required to inform the staff of the Child’s medication needs. A medication form has to be filled up mentioning the medicine, dosage and the time.
Only medication prescribed by the doctor will be administered to the child. The medicine will have child’s name, dosage, and must be in a clearly labelled directions for administration. If the child is anaphylaxis, an Epi pen has to be provided by the parent with an original copy of the management plan signed by the child’s doctor.
No medication will be given on verbal requests and unless the procedure has been completed. Please ensure that the medicine is not kept in child’s bag, and it is handed over to the teacher upon arrival.
Montessori Minds Childcare and Kindergarten follows Montessori curriculum that is worldwide accepted and acknowledged for its approach to education. The Montessori classroom is known as the prepared environment because it is purposefully prepared by a trained Montessori educator to create the optimal learning environment for children.
The whole environment has been designed to be an open plan with a purpose and a place. Montessori class is a multi age group class with children from 3 to 6 years in the same class. Children work in this environment independently at their own pace and at their own will. Teachers do not direct children but support them where they need the support. Children choose their own activities and work individually or in groups as per their need.
Most of the Montessori material is self correcting enabling him to exercise his freedom and cognitive abilities to achieve the outcomes. Children are able to deeply engage in their own learning, progress at their own pace, and discover learning outcomes through repetition and practice. Learning in the Montessori environment is largely active, individually paced, often self-correcting, and completely tailored to the needs and interests of each individual child.
Communication is a vital ingredient for the recipe of trust and growth, and success of this partnership. We would request and encourage you to share your aspirations for your child and feedback around the programme at the centre / reception or with teacher.
We communicate about daily routines and learning journeys at story park. This is an app you will download and will access once your child joins MM. It keeps you updated with your child’s daily routines activities like food, sleep and nappy change. Besides that, you will be able to see learning stories of your child’s class to know what is going on in class, and interact with the teacher and the centre head. It is parents responsibility to read these notices and ensure that they are aware of the current issues, events , and happenings in the centre.
For any concerns, suggestions, or personal face to face meetings you will send us an email and we will arrange an appointment with the concerned person. Feel free to contact the reception to make time to discuss your child’s progress , relationships interests and experiences.
Learning how to get on with others takes time and lots of practice. Our educators are trained in positive behavioural guidance strategies and see this as an important part of their teaching work. Positive guidance is the key, and we work with children about acceptable behaviours and simple rules, and help them learn how to regulate their emotions and responses to others. We work with families to support the development of children’s social skills. We focus our teaching on supporting children to become truly independent and socially competent.
Our centre head Dr Sharma is a qualified counsellor besides being a master’s in child development. She can be approached with appointment if you ever need any help with any specific conerns. Our educators are always available to minor hiccups and day to day support for your child.
We hope and make an effort for our children to be safe and healthy but in case of an emergency, we are fortunate to have medical help right at our door step. We have a medical centre, a day hospital and a dental hospital around 50 m away from our vicinity.
Montessori Minds Childcare and Kindergarten knows that It takes a village to raise a child and the most influential environment in a young child’s life is his family environment. By holding hands with families to provide the best suited approach to their child’s needs, MM invites parents to be a part of this extended family.
Families are encouraged to take an active role in our community by providing feedback, contributing to decision making, and participating in education programs. We prefer to have shared views on how to support child’s well being, safety and learning.
Families are made a part of MM by:
- Updating the routines of the child via story park
- Provide feedback on story park for child’s classroom.
- Organising workshops, orientation programs, information sessions for parents
- Inviting parents to volunteer to host a learning experience based on skill set, culture and interest
- Inviting parents for various events, and incursions in the centre
- Participating in various initiatives i.e sustainability, charity etc.
- Providing feedback on QIP
- Making information available to all parents and supporting them if they have language barriers
- Promoting cultural diversity and celebrating events related to different cultures
- Communicating with families about community and support services
- Displaying information about relevant community services in the foyer of each service
- Making resources and information available in multiple languages
- Actively promoting cultural diversity
- Communicating with families regularly about relevant community and support services via email
- Having an open-door policy where families are welcome to share their feedback and ask for support
Montessori education is a child-centered approach that emphasizes independence, self-directed learning, and hands-on activities. It can be adapted for the home environment, particularly for the early childhood years.
Here are some tips for implementing Montessori principles in your home:
- Create a prepared environment: Set up a dedicated space for your child’s activities that is safe, comfortable, and organized. This can be a designated area in a room or a separate playroom. Use child-sized furniture and shelves to store materials in an orderly manner.
- Encourage self-directed learning: Allow your child to choose activities they are interested in and let them work at their own pace. Provide a variety of materials that foster exploration and discovery.
- Focus on practical life skills: Montessori education emphasizes the development of practical life skills such as self-care, cooking, cleaning, and gardening. Involve your child in daily household tasks and provide child-sized tools and materials for them to use.
- Incorporate sensory activities: Young children learn through their senses. Provide materials that stimulate the senses, such as textured fabrics, smelling bottles, and sound blocks.
- Emphasize outdoor play: Spending time in nature and engaging in physical activity is important for young children’s development. Provide opportunities for your child to explore and play outside.
- Limit screen time: Montessori education emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning. Limit screen time and encourage your child to engage in activities that foster creativity, imagination, and exploration.
Remember that the Montessori approach is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You can adapt these principles to fit your family’s unique needs and values. It’s important to observe your child’s interests and abilities and adjust your approach accordingly.